About Us



The Pee Pocket® was developed by a team of doctors who were fed up with dirty and unsanitary public bathrooms for their families. These surgeons developed a single-use, disposable, biodegradable women’s standing urination device so that everyone can finally take a stand®, avoid un-sanitary conditions and the potential for skin infections.

The demand for The Pee Pocket® has been so great by patients that a larger 48-pack carton was developed for hospitals, clinics, acute and long-term care facilities. Elderly women, post-surgical patients, (hip, knee, etc.), pregnant women and men who have trouble squatting or bending down to pee have regained their independence to relieve themselves.

We have introduced an individual pack so that you can try this disposable female urination device and experience hygiene packed with convenience. However, you can explore our other products as well to make the wise call.

Contact us if you wish to know more on any of our products. We would be more than happy to assist you!

The Pee Pocket™ was developed by a team of doctors who were fed up with dirty and unsanitary public bathrooms for their families. These surgeons developed a single-use, disposable, biodegradable device so that all woman everywhere could finally take a stand, avoid un-sanitary conditions and the potential for skin infections.

The demand for The Pee Pocket™ has been so great by patients that a larger 48-pack carton was developed for hospitals, clinics, acute and long-term care facilities. Elderly women, post-surgical patients, (hip, knee, etc.), pregnant women and men who have trouble squatting or bending down to pee have regained their independence to relieve themselves.