Ultra-Comfortable Women's Standing Urination Device
The Pee Pocket is a single-use women's standing urination device that is perfect for athletes, travelers, the elderly, disabled, pregnancy, parents of young girls, post-surgery patients - not only for women but for anyone who might have to go while on the go!
About Disposable Female Urination Device
The Pee Pocket® was developed by a team of doctors who were fed up with dirty and unsanitary public bathrooms for their families. These surgeons developed a single-use, disposable, biodegradable women’s standing urination device so that everyone can finally take a stand®, avoid un-sanitary conditions and the potential for skin infections.
The demand for The Pee Pocket® has been so great by patients that a larger 48-pack carton was developed for hospitals, clinics, acute and long-term care facilities. Elderly women, post-surgical patients, (hip, knee, etc.), pregnant women and men who have trouble squatting or bending down to pee have regained their independence to relieve themselves.
We have introduced an individual pack so that you can try this disposable female urination device and experience hygiene packed with convenience. However, you can explore our other product as well to make the wise call.
Contact us if you wish to know more on any of our products. We would be more than happy to assist you!
How to use Female Pees Standing Up Device?
The women’s standing urination device is very convenient and effortless to use. For your better understanding, we have given a list of steps, and you are good to go:
- Hold The Pee Pocket® between your thumb and fingers and squeeze together to create funnel.
- Lower pants or lift skirt.
- Place the large opening so it completely covers the pee flow area and point the opposite tip down slightly.
- Relax and go.
- Clean with the hygienic tissue wipe.
- Return The Pee Pocket® and wipe to the disposable bag, then toss.
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Still confused? Watch how to use the women’s standing urination device!
Why Choose The Pee Pocket - Women's Standing Urination Device?
If you don’t have access to a clean restroom then the Pee Pocket is a saving grace. Using a public restroom where hundreds of women have peed before you is never hygienic, and you may just cringe seeing the sight.
We often resort to other solutions such as placing a seat protector that keeps falling off or cleaning the seat and taking matters into our own hands. Sounds gross, right?
With the Pee Pocket, you don’t have to go anywhere near the seat.
No more stressing your thigh muscles by squatting or hovering above the toilet seat. Just use the Pee Pocket once and throw it away after using it.
If you are an adventure enthusiast, you might be familiar with the fact that restrooms are not available everywhere. In such situations, females often have to search for privacy. But now enjoy the convenience with the Pee Pocket without shying away.
Pee Pocket Reviews

Perfect product for women truck drivers ! Really adds to the “Freedom of the Road” ! Ya’ll truly need to advertise these to women ! I passed some out at the Walmart Women in Trucking Convention in June, and they were a big hit, should have brought more. Try at the Trucking Conventions and the American Women in Trucking sites, Trucking radio shows and several trucking magazines, your sales will explode ! If you need any help with this, I would be happy to help, Love this product !
Devan Griffin

Great concept, needs improving. The device separates at the glue line when you use it. Changing the plastic sleeve to an opaque colour can assist with keeping things discreet. Price is 0.99c but $3.99 for three??? Besides all that, device has been very convenient.

I finally can pee next to my boyfriend(:

This was the best experience!! Very liberating to be able to “go” standing up! My husband was teasing me at first, but it was really cool to be able to go out in the back yard and pee right next to him

I have a rare muscle disease called Inclusion Body Myositis that is sort of muscular dystrophy for older folks. It hits the thigh muscles big time, making it very difficult to go from sitting to standing. Using public restrooms or even a restroom at a friends house can be a challenge if they do not have grab bars and a high rise toilet. The Pee Pocket allows a woman to pee standing up–it is a remarkable invention and I always have one in my purse. I highly recommend this product to anyone who has mobility issues.
Private Customer

I finally feel like a man!

I am so glad I found these. I purchased them for a trip to India and they came in handy. I have bad knees so squat toilets are difficult for me. There were also a few toilets that were filthy (just like some in the US), and these were great. Easy to use, easy to dispose of, very “hands free”. I’ve been giving them to my friends I think they are so great!
Private Customer
The Pee Pocket – Disposable Female Urinary Device
$3.99 – $29.99
- The Pee Pocket is female urinary device is perfect for athletes, travelers, the elderly, disabled, pregnancy, parents of young girls, post-surgery patients – any woman who might have to go while on the go!
- Women can stand up to pee
- Never sit on a dirty toilet
- Waterproof disposable funnel
- Great for elderly women, post-surgical patients, (hip, knee, etc.), pregnant women and men who have trouble squatting or bending down to pee have regained their independence to relieve themselves with the Pee Pocket!!
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